Happy MSP offers NBN through its partner – Aussie Broadband, a complete range of Internet and NBN Services.

NBN Internet Services – Adelaide – Western Suburbs – West Lakes

NBN Business Services – Overview

The National Broadband Network (NBN) is Australia’s core network to connect home and businesses to fast internet speeds at cost effective pricing.

It’s replacing copper wires and cable broadband with optical fibre and other technologies to deliver more reliable, high-capacity internet to your home & business.

Happy MSP offers NBN through its partner – Aussie Broadband a complete range of Internet and NBN Services.

However, due to the complexities of the various types of infrastructure and the differing services available, customers are often confused regarding speeds and availability etc.

Happy MSP is here to help you understand what NBN services are available to you Home/Office and if it is suitable for your needs.


NBN Services
Aussie Broadband
NBN TC-4 vs EE

NBN Business Services – TC-4

Small and Medium Enterprises need to understand the type/Service class they have their NBN delivered on.

NBN Traffic Class 4 (TC-4) is the standard delivery method for general internet and data services across the NBN. TC-4 enables traffic across multiple access technologies, including fibre to the node (FTTN) and fibre to the premises (FTTP), and provides asymmetrical bandwidth profile with ‘best effort’ contention for non-critical applications, such as web browsing, email and streaming.

The following TC-4 Services are offered –

  • 25/10 – 25Mbps Download/10Mbps Upload
  • 50/20 – 50Mbps Download/20Mbps Upload
  • 100/40 – 100Mbps Download/40Mbps Upload

TC-4 is effectively the retail version of NBN in that it provides asymmetrical bandwidth profile with ‘best effort’ contention for non-critical applications, such as web browsing, email and streaming. Whilst this may be fine for home use and many small businesses, if you have a critical need for internet accesses, then you should consider NBN Enterprise Ethernet (EE)

NBN Services – Enterprise Ethernet (EE)

For many businesses, nbn™ connections via FTTN, FTTC and HFC technologies may be adequate, but for most enterprises with internet and network services across multiple sites, 100/40Mbps speed simply won’t cut it.

NBN – EE is a Layer 2 carrier-grade fibre service that delivers bandwidth with the highest speed, performance and reliability across the NBN ethernet access network.

The follwing NBN EE Services are offered –

  • 50/50 – 50Mbs Download & Upload
  • 100/100 – 100Mbs Download & Upload
  • 250/250 – 250Mbs Download & Upload
  • 500/500 – 500Mbs Download & Upload
  • 1000/1000 – 1000Mbs Download & Upload

NBN-EE enables a symmetrical bandwidth profile and also offers the selection of Priority Access (Low Cos) and Committed Access 1:1 Access (Hi Cos).

NBN TC-4 vs EE

TC-4 – NBN Services – FTTN, FTTC, and FTTP

The Three main services ate Fibre To The Node (FTTN), Fibre To The Curb (FTTC) and Fibre To The Premise (FTTP. All three of these connection types are based on fibre optic cable – although fibre, copper, and other technologies may also be used.,

TC-4 – NBN Services – Fibre To The Node (FTTN)

With Fibre To The Node (FTTN), the Fibre cable runs to a cabinet near to your premises, which is called “The Node”. The existing copper (old telephone) cable is then used to connect from the node to your premises.

Often referred to as “the last mile”, the distance from the node to your premises can range from 50 metres up to 1.5 kilometres.

The total distance of the last mile, and the quality of the copper cable has impact on the speed that will be available via the service.

FTTN provides potential speeds of 25Mbps up to 100Mbps

Fibre to the Curb

TC-4 – NBN Services – Fibre To The Curb (FTTC)

Fibre To The Curb (FTTC), is an improvement over FTTN

FRTTC uses a fibre connection almost all the way to your home, taking advantage of the existing copper for the shortest possible distance between your home and the curb. This type of connection provides a faster speed to the user when compared to FTTN,.

FTTP provides potential speeds of up to 100Mbps

TC-4 – NBN Services – Fibre To The Premise (FTTP)

Fibre To The Premise (FTTP) is the ideal option, but often only available on newer developments where fibre has been laid during the build. This provides a fibre service all the way to your property and provides the highest quality connection and speed capability.

FTTP provides potential speeds of up to 1Gbps

Fibre to the premise

If your looking for a new IT support experience that leaves you feeling Happy, then contact us for a no obligation conversation.